Ouistreham, Normandy, France Jun 9th - 23rd 2012 - Tara @ 2 Years, 3 weeks
Tara loves the beach!
The field where SS Obersturmfuher Michael Wittmann met his fate!
Villers-Bocage in the rain, scene of Wittmann's most famous victory
Canadian CWGC at Bretteville-Sur-Laize, 2958 graves
Early morning view from our balcony
Our holiday car!
British CWGC Ranville, 2562 graves
Den Brotheridge, 1st British solder killed on D-Day, buried in Ranville churchyard
Beach slide and beach at Lion-sur-Mer
Budding rock star?
Bunker Museum, Ouistreham, Very good!
British CWGC at Hermanville, 1005 graves mainly from D-Day
Blockhouse 'Hillman' complex, Periers Ridge, taken by the Suffolk Regiment on D-Day
Head dipping in sea water - the latest thing!
Beer O'clock for Mum & Dad, while Tara catches up on some kip!
Betts HQ, Sword Beach, Ouistreham
Dinner time!
Tish's annual Fois Gras pic!
The Queen of Sheba?
Time for a McDonalds!
Making a run for it after dinner!
Boat race...
found a new favourite beach brick!