France Holiday - Grandcamp Maisy, Normandy. September 4th - 14th 2011
Grandcamp Maisy harbour and afternoon beer
Atlantic Wall museum - Quineville
Grandcamp Maisy beach early morning
Me & Tara did the 2nd Rangers Museum
Bayeux CWGC 4648 graves
Bayeux Memorial - names of 1805 souls MIA
Bayeux D-Day Museum
Downtown Bayeux
Waiting for Dinner!
German War Cemetary, Huisnes-sur-Mer. 11,169 buried in crypts
Trip to Mont St. Michel
Helping with the ironing!!
The Maisy Battery, which fired on Omaha beach until June 9th when Rangers took it out
Sandcastle time on Grandcamp Maisy beach
Ryes CWGC, Bazenville - 979 burials
Day on the beach at Arromanches-les-Bains, 'Gold beach', complete with whats left of the Mulberry harbour
US Airborne museum, St.come-du-mont
German cemetary Orglandes - 10,152 burials
Gen. Gavin foxhole on D-day, St.Mere Eglise
Sandcastle time again on Grandcamp Maisy beach
girls looking at the stars!!!
Dinner time - Tishy loves Foie Gras!
very clever - reading a French magazine
Canadian CWGC Beny-sur-Mer, 2049 burials, Juno beach where some fell on D-Day is visible on the horizon
CWGC Douvres-la-Delivrande - 1123 burials
CWGC Hermanville -  1005 burials mainly from D-Day on 'Sword' beach
Ouistreham town and sea front