Krakow, Poland, October 23rd - October 26th 2009 at The Hotel Polonia
Krakow main square
River Vistula
Wall of Jewish Ghetto
Memorial square where the Ghetto was cleared in 1943.
Schindler's factory
Gestapo HQ, Krakov, torture victims left messages on the cell walls
Back in the main squre after sight seeing, beer for me, Ice Tea for the pregnant one!
Main square market
Main gate, Auschwitz 1
Gallows where Hoess was hung
Outside the shower (Gas Chamber)
Crematorium ovens for burning bodies
Auschwitz Birkenau Concentration Camp
Prisoners slept 6 to a bunk!
Spot at Auschwitz Birkenau where the cremated ashes were dumped.
Remains of Crematorium 1
Cherry Vodka desert!
Tish and JP 2nd, Krakow Cathederal
Krakow old Jewish Cemetary, destroyed by the Nazi's during the war
St. Faustyna's burial place at 'The Sanctuary of Divine Mercy'
The Chapel of Divine Mercy
 'The Sanctuary of Divine Mercy'
 Non alcoholic Irish Coffee!!!
 Waiting for train to airport